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Cheque Payments

Cheque payments form reduces the bank account value and the amount outstanding to our creditors. Where the creditor is a foreign creditor, FX Gains and Losses are posted. Bank charges and discounts for early payment can also be recorded and posted in this form. Grouping of the journal lines depends on the batch type as follows:


FX creditor A- payment of $5,000.00 with an FX Gain of $150.00 and bank charges of $25.00
Local creditor B- payment of 6,500.00 with a discount for early payment of 50.00 Inc GST

Ledger BAS 
Debit Credit
Creditor Value - Creditor A   5000.00  
Bank Account - from cheque payment form (including any bank fees and charges)     5025.00
FX Gains/Losses - Creditor A     150.00
Creditor Value - Creditor A   150.00  
Bank Charges - from cheque payment form 25.00  
Creditor Value - Creditor B   6,550.00  
Bank Account - from cheque payment form     6,500.00
Discount - Creditor B Discount   45.45
Discount GST - Tax Maintenance > GST Inwards Adjustment   4.55


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